Buonasera bellezze, come procede la settimana? Io come al solito mi divido tra lo studio e il blog. Ecco un piccolo recap delle mie due ultime settimane.
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Good evening beauties, how are you spendig the week? I'm divided between the study and the blog, as usual. Here's a little recap of my last two weeks.
from an old post called " experimenting "
gatto Pino
tights from Japan, #iloveit
thanks RUM JUNGLE, you made my day!
first post on avfashionsynergy
Rum Jungle jeans mod. dolli-b available here
study break with Tu Style
wearing Rum Jungle stud t-shirt available here
Vijoux - the making of
from the post camo on my legs
new earrings
sfogliatelle from Ercolano, thanks Roberta
wearing Rum Jungle dress, available here
Sei bellissima in queste foto! E le sfogliatelle? ADOROOOOOOOOOO ^_^
New Post-> http://www.modidimoda-mapi.blogspot.it/2013/10/outfit-da-lavoro-dal-backstage-di-tutto.html