bruxelles 1st day

Bonsoir! Sono rientrata da un viaggetto in Belgio con Luana. Il primo giorno abbiamo visitato tutta Bruxelles, wow che città fantastica! Le cose che mi hanno più colpita sono state la Grand Place di notte (di cui vi parlerò nel prossimo post) e la chiesa Notre Dame du Sablon in stile gotico brabantino, un capolavoro che sorge tra le migliori cioccolaterie della zona (Wittamer e Leonidas). Ma ogni angolo di questa città merita una visita. immancabile anche la foto vicino al Manneken Pis, il leggendario ragazzetto che spense la miccia di una bomba con la sua pipì. 
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Bonsoir!I came back from a trip to Belgium with Luana. The first day we wisited all of Brussels, wow that great city! The things that impressed me were the Grand Place at night (which I speak in the next post) and the church Notre Dame du Sablon (gothic style), a masterpiece that stands among the best chocolate shop in the area (Wittamer and Leonidas). But every corner of this city is to visit. The photo next to the Manneken Pis was obligatory!!! He is the legendary boy who blew out the fuse of a bomb with his pee.
Notre Dame du Sablon

Manneken Pis

Grand Place

my chanel nail polish


my favourite waffle with strawberry and nutella

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Graduated in Engineering Management, blogger since 2010, and web content writer for Founder of Ottaviano Digital Communication Agency. Passionate about fashion and beauty, addicted to travel, and hopelessly fond of good food. A true animal lover with a naturally sincere spirit. I create outfits that reflect my mood and embrace experimentation—because style is meant to be fun! ✨

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