Christmas Eve

Buon Natale di cuore a tutti voi! Spero che sia un giorno pieno di affetto e calore!
Queste foto risalgono al cenone di ieri sera con la mia famiglia e quella del mio Love. E' stata una serata davvero piacevole!
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Merry Christmas from the deep of my heart to all of you! I hope it's a day full of love!
These photos date back to the dinner of last night with my family and my Love's family. It 'was a really nice evening!

 Under my Christmas tree

Per stare in casa ho scelto di indossare shorts e maxi maglia di Jennifer, cerchietto di HeM, ballerine nere lucide e calze rosse che fanno molto Natale :)
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To stay at home I chose to wear shorts and maxi jersey from Jennifer, Hem headband with black glossy ballerinas and red  tights who recall Christimas :)

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Graduated in Engineering Management, blogger since 2010, and web content writer for Founder of Ottaviano Digital Communication Agency. Passionate about fashion and beauty, addicted to travel, and hopelessly fond of good food. A true animal lover with a naturally sincere spirit. I create outfits that reflect my mood and embrace experimentation—because style is meant to be fun! ✨

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