L'Oreal Colorista Washout

Grazie a L'Oreal Colorista Washout, mi sono divertita a giocare con i miei capelli. Una tinta temporanea che dura 2/3 lavaggi, per provare l'ebrezza di un colore intenso e particolare senza rovinare i capelli. Applicazione facile, su capelli asciutti, posa di 20 minuti e via di phon. Io ho scelto il colore #lilachair (adatto alle bionde), ma ci sono anche le tonalità vivid adatte a chi non hai capelli chiari come me ha un colore castano o bruno chiaro. Divertitevi con Colorista e cambiate colore in base all'umore!
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Thanks to L'Oreal Colorista Washout, I had fun playing with my hair. A temporary color that lasts 2/3 washes, to experience the thrill of an intense color without damaging the hair. Easy to apply on dry hair, laying off 20 minutes and you have not to wash off but you must use the hairdryer. I chose the #lilachair color (suitable for blondes), but there are also vivid shades suitable for those who have a brown or light brown base. Enjoy Colorist and change color according to your mood!

Elio Ottaviano ph

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Graduated in Engineering Management, blogger since 2010, and web content writer for Glamour.it. Founder of Ottaviano Digital Communication Agency. Passionate about fashion and beauty, addicted to travel, and hopelessly fond of good food. A true animal lover with a naturally sincere spirit. I create outfits that reflect my mood and embrace experimentation—because style is meant to be fun! ✨

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