Aiyanna Ibiza: lunch with a view

Buongiorno bellezze, oggi vi porto a pranzo ad Ibiza. Aiyanna, il ristorante di cui vi parlo oggi, vanta una location magnifica con vista e accesso su Cala Nova. Aiyanna offre un menu salutare a base di piatti freschi e audaci con un tocco in più grazie alle influenze del Mediterraneo orientale. Pranzare con una vista così è a dir poco fantastico, e grazie all'ambiente rilassato e informale si gode davvero di un'atmosfera magica. Noi abbiamo testato un menù a base di pesce e verdure, con un tocco speziato molto particolare. Il personale è gentilissimo e sempre a disposizione ed è stato davvero un piacere pranzare in questo posto, tra ombrelloni giganti fatti a mano, il profumo del mare e sapori stuzzicanti.
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Good morning beauties, today I bring you to lunch in Ibiza. Aiyanna, the restaurant I'm talking about today, boasts a magnificent location with views and access to Cala Nova. Aiyanna offers a healthy menu based on fresh and bold dishes with an extra touch thanks to the influences of the Eastern Mediterranean. Dining with a view like that is nothing short of fantastic, and thanks to the relaxed and informal environment you really enjoy a magical atmosphere. We have tested a menu based on fish and vegetables, with a very special spicy touch. The staff is very kind and always available and it was really a pleasure to have lunch in this place, including giant handmade umbrellas, the scent of the sea and tantalizing flavors.

1 commenti:

  1. Beautiful photography! I want to visit Ibiza too.




Graduated in Engineering Management, blogger since 2010, and web content writer for Founder of Ottaviano Digital Communication Agency. Passionate about fashion and beauty, addicted to travel, and hopelessly fond of good food. A true animal lover with a naturally sincere spirit. I create outfits that reflect my mood and embrace experimentation—because style is meant to be fun! ✨

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