MFW fw 15/16 - Les Copains

La stilista Stefania Bandiera, ha disegnato una collezione, a mio parere meravigliosa, d'ispirazione glamour e 70's, a tratti metropolitana. La femminilità regna sovrana su capi sofisticati mixati a pezzi più sportivi. Felpe con ricami elaborati, decorazioni geometriche che ricordano l'arlecchino di Picasso. Accessori luminosi e vistosi, sono la ciliegina sulla torta. La palette colori è neutra, variando da beige molto chiari, passando per il color ombra (un verde militare/grigio) al nero, con qualche eccezione per alcuni capi dai toni dell'arancio, viola e verde. Ho amato l'allure sensuale e avant-gard. Una sfilata emozionante, resa ancora più speciale dalla lussuosa location di Palazzo Clerici. 
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The designer Stefania Bandiera, has designed a collection, in my opinion wonderful, inspiring by glamour and 70's, sometimes underground. Femininity reigns supreme on sophisticated pieces mixed in sporty cloths. Sweatshirts with elaborate embroidery, geometrical decorations reminiscent of Picasso's Harlequin. Accessories bright and showy, are the icing on the cake. The palette is neutral, ranging from very light beige, passing the color shade (a military green / gray) to black, with some exception for some shades of orange, purple and green. I loved the sensual and avant-garde allure. A very exciting fashion show, made even more special by the luxurious location of Palazzo Clerici.

Vittoria Ottaviano ph

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Graduated in Engineering Management, blogger since 2010, and web content writer for Founder of Ottaviano Digital Communication Agency. Passionate about fashion and beauty, addicted to travel, and hopelessly fond of good food. A true animal lover with a naturally sincere spirit. I create outfits that reflect my mood and embrace experimentation—because style is meant to be fun! ✨

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