Come indossare un abito leggero e colorato anche in autunno

Buon sabato bellezze, pronte per il weekend? Se non sapete ancora cosa indossare ecco un'opzione: abito leggero e sbarazzino, scarpe lucide eleganti che ricordano le Rockstud di Valentino (ma mooolto più economiche) e ovviamente una pelliccia ecologica per combattere il freddo. Amo le mie nuove scarpe prese su Twinkledeals: hanno un tacco largo, sono elegantissime grazie alla finitura lucida e alla punta, e si adattano bene sia con gli abiti che con i pantaloni skinni. Potete acquistarle cliccando qui. Vi ho dato un spunto per un look elegante ma colorato e frizzante?
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Happy Saturday beauties, ready for the weekend? If you do not yet know what to wear here is an option: light and jaunty dress, elegant polished shoes that resemble Valentino Rockstud (but waaay cheaper) and of course a faux fur against the cold. I love my new shoes by Twinkledeals: have a broad heel, are elegant thanks to the glossy finish and the tip, and they fit well with the dresses and also with skinni pants. You can buy them by clicking here. I hope to have given you an idea for an elegant but colorful and bubbly look.
Tara Jarmon dress
Genny belt
Kaos faux fur

Elio Ottaviano ph

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Graduated in Engineering Management, blogger since 2010, and web content writer for Founder of Ottaviano Digital Communication Agency. Passionate about fashion and beauty, addicted to travel, and hopelessly fond of good food. A true animal lover with a naturally sincere spirit. I create outfits that reflect my mood and embrace experimentation—because style is meant to be fun! ✨

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